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- Thanks for all the sweet wishes for Beck's 5th birthday on Wednesday! Yes yes yes, HOW is she 5. We had a mini birthday with just family members that are already in our bubble, she got a golf bag, and was practically vibrating with excitement the entire day. It was seriously great.
- Beck's favorite gift so far, though, is a Kinetic Sand kit, made about 97% cooler by the fact that it's from my sister's boyfriend who, frankly, is about 97% cooler than anyone else she knows. He's very popular with the 5-and-unders in our house.
- I really think a moral failure in the appliance department is that dishwashers don't come with a button to run just the dry cycle again. Does yours do that? Why wouldn't that be super standard? How hard could it be? Seriously.
- I have had some time this week to make some plans for next year, and I have been feeling so WEIRD about it and then I realized that the feeling was HOPE which just feels like a tumor after the year we've had, you know? What even is optimism? I'm medium kidding and medium excited for 2021 which probably means that everything will be a huge failure. Ha.
- Whatchoo doing this weekend? We are having STEAK NIGHT tomorrow night with a big steak, potatoes romanoff, and other fun steakhousy sides. My vote is that we pretty much cook and eat and rest all day tomorrow, let's see how the kids feel about that. Have a great one!
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