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- Have recently been doubling up on doubling up meal prep, let me explain: I'll cook double of something and then freeze half, for sure. BUT I'll also double up on cooking an ingredient, then use it in two totally different things. For example, I'll make my favorite cast iron skillet salmon, then use leftovers for this meal prep salmon orzo salad (in the picture!) and am just very, very happy when I do that.
- I have a dear friend who lost someone very suddenly this week, and is still 46% going about their regular lives because life doesn't stop, and so here's this: we need to do better in America about allowing grief to take time, and until we get there (Ever?) we need to be really, really nice to one another because we just never know, you know? You know.
- I did a talk this week for a professional mother's group, and we took questions in advance so I could speak on things that were helpful to them. There were some kind of regular "work life balance," "is the pandemic ruining my kids," "how do I know when it's time for therapy," and then one that said "mother in law." It made me laugh, sorry to that person. I don't know how to "fix" family members, but I do know about setting boundaries, so I went with that. Families are weird.
- Used no-knead bread dough to mush into pizza a few weekends ago, and letmejustsay, it works great. It's not exacccctly as chewy as regular pizza dough, but it definitely gets the job done. I cooked it at 550F after pressing it into a baking sheet, then added toppings and cooked it at the same temp for 10 minutes or so more. Presto!
- Happy Weekend to you, I hope! We are going to spend as much time as we can outdoors because that is the kids' happy place, and I'm voting to only eat grilled foods or leftovers to keep the kitchen clean. It'll probably work for at least 3 hours.
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