Want to Read Later?
- Beck has gotten into taking pictures on my phone, which I suppose is normal, but now when I scroll through hunting for something real I get....9 versions of the above image, but the toes are very cute so I roll with it.
- How's the Christmas shopping going? I have a few final things to get but we're close! Nothing is wrapped and it's hidden in a box in our closet so that it doesn't accidentally get stuck in an attic or something when we move. I have tons of other ideas in my shop too!
- It is moving weekend! And it is pouring rain. And we are about 4 days behind where we wanted to be. But it's here, it's ours, and I'm sharing some stuff on stories this weekend! What an ADVENTURE this has been.
- I'm obsessed with family recipes for spaghetti sauce, because they're ALL the best, and this one sounds like a really good first meal in our new house to check out.
- I was listening to a Daily episode this week about the concentration camps and "reeducation" in China, and the person being interviewed said that when he stopped fearing retribution, punishment, even death he felt much more powerful to speak out and work against what is happening to these communities. And I've just been thinking on that - the power that comes from lack of fear. Maybe take that with you this weekend. Have a great one!
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