It's a month away.
The next time it turns the 10th of a month, I'll be getting ready to marry a cute funny bald guy.
I'm excited and nervous and busy and giddy and CAN'T FREAKING WAIT.
A lot of things are done. A lot of things are not done. This weekend we're working on favors and homemade decorations for the reception, and I have a conference call with the wedding director at High Hampton (where we'll be) this afternoon to discuss very random details. Very random.
One thing I'd like your opinion on is a guest book. Did you have one? Do you ever look at it? Have you seen any creative guest book ideas that I should know about? I've seen some things where folks write on rocks that is cool, and the thumbprint tree is fun (seen that?), but I don't know if I can get that made in time. Talk to me.
Life is kind of stressful. We have this week, which ends in 2 days. Then we have 4 weeks until our wedding. Jay will be gone for work for two of them. He's not exactly looking forward to it, given the timing, but it is what it is and we'll make the most of the time we have here, together. We're both VERY MUCH looking forward to the fall when we might have 7 minutes to relax together. Starting a new job 3 months before your wedding isn't ideal, especially when said new job's busy season is the summer leading up to said wedding.
Want to Read Later?
Just some advice.
Mainly, it's going FAST. Every time we hit another weekend I'm sort of baffled - a few seconds ago it feels like I was saying "8 more weeks!" and now, this Saturday, it's FOUR WEEKS AWAY. I'm becoming impatient with the details, though, and TOTALLY GIVING IN to the hype and capitalism of it all. The more time I have, the more I decide that WE REALLY NEED COASTERS or some other waste of money that is cute but really really not necessary.
What I'm saying is, the real stuff is done, so I'm making new things to do.
The remaining things we have to do are fun, luckily! Buying presents for our loved ones, trying on's exciting and great and coming so quickly!
The main new thing we've done recently is OUR VERY OWN HASHTAG. I know. Dumb. I want all the photos in one place, though, because I've got grand plans for them, and that seemed to be a good way to track this fun planning experience.
You should follow us! On any of the social media things you like. #funnyloveforever, and if you want to mock us or wish us well or check in on our wedding weekend we'd LOVE THAT - the # is for everyone.
I need to know about guest books and ALSO if there's anything that people forget or overlook on their last few weeks of planning. There are a lot of details, and I'd love to know your best advice! My friend Cara promised to keep me bourbon-fueled over the next few weeks so....what else should I be doing?
It's happening, people. 31 days.
We ordered a blurb book for our guest book. I picked out a bunch of photos from us as a couple - all the way from starting out to recent, with friends and family, just us - and put them into a book leaving lots of white space. During the reception we left it out with a bunch of colored skinnie sharpies, and people could pick a page, photo, space etc. that reminded them of us or that they liked. We keep it with the photo albums and pick it up every once in a while, but the everyday look is at the wedding photo of us with all of our guests. Just remember, even if something is forgotten or doesn't come out the way you wanted, the important thing is between you and your husband-to-be: the promise. So don't stress and enjoy these last weeks, because they'll just fly by!
Sarah K
I never look at my guest book, but a friend of mine got one of those large wooden letters from a craft store in their last name initial to have everyone sign. It's now hanging in their house and looks awesome but doesn't scream "more wedding stuff".
Saaya Sorrells-Weatherford
Okay so I have yet to have a wedding but I know Etsy like the back of my hand now, so...this is kind of adorable. Not very portable and may collect dust, but it's cute. And you can use it after as decoration.
that. is. so. CUTE!
Since we got married in Charleston, I bought this beautiful photobook of the city that had a lot of whitespace in the margins. It makes an awesome coffee table book and then when people flip through it, they love that it is also our guestbook!
Since you love to cook, I have an awesome suggestion for your guestbook, go to a paint your own pottery studio and paint your names and wedding date in the middle of a huge platter, then get a pottery pen and have the unglazed piece on the table for people to sign at the wedding, then take it back to get it glazed with everyone's signatures and sentiments. You then have an amazing platter to use that will constantly remind you of what will surely be an amazing day.
it is almost a little weird how ridiculously excited i am for your wedding, lol. Just so darn happy for you!
Durn, I love that idea too! You readers have ALL THE IDEAS!
LOVE it.
BT dubs - I own my own wedding planning firm, so if you have an random etiquette questions, the "do we really need this?" questions etc, feel free to ask! I get them all the time.
I didn't know that! My question is: are you hiring in Greenville?