Sorry, guys.
I've told you before that I love me some David Thorne.
He's hilarious, sarcastic, vulgar, and totally on point with most of his social commentary.
This article, though, is hilarious. They all are, and I encourage you to not work at all today and read every single article on his website.
BUT if you don't have time for that, click here, and read this. You'll die. It cracks me up to know that other people fight about total nothingness like we never do.
Have a fun day, and let me know if you have any bright ideas for fun dates tonight. I don't want my bald manfriend to bore of doing the same thing all the time.
And by the same thing, I mean, of course, me prancing around in skimpy nighties with freshly shaven legs and a full face of makeup begging him to bed me.
If it were opposite day.
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