Beck is one today! It's unreal and exciting and sad and a normal day all at once. I've been looking over and over pictures from the past year, and wanted to share some of my favorites on this very special day.
- That was right after Beck was born, when all 3 of us were in the big birth center bed together. Jay got a picture first and then I did about an hour later. Beck still snuggles on my chest like this when she's really tired, and has started hugging her dolls in the same way.
- I remember this day so vividly. There is a big part of new parenting where it seems like every week involves a new piece of equipment, because BuyBuyBaby tells us it needs to. It was a regular day at home just the 2 of us while Jay worked. Jay's coworkers got us this Boppy chair with a tray, and I stuck Beck in it around 4 months when I thought she might like sitting up, and she was just SO excited about it. It was probably one of the first times she could see me without being held by me, and also right around the time she started laughing really earnestly. Pleased with herself doesn't begin to describe it.
- This is us, almost every day. We wake up, nurse, have breakfast (God forbid Beck ever just eat one thing at once), and play on her floor until it's time for her first nap. It's the one constant because after that the days change all the time, but that first few hours is the same no matter what, and I love it so much.
- This was last week at one of our Thanksgiving celebrations. Jay took the picture, and I love it so much because I feel like she's starting to listen to me when I talk. Sometimes she doesn't like what I'm saying, but she's definitely starting to understand more and trust me when I tell her to be careful of her fingers, move in a certain direction, or that good stuff is coming riiiiight out of that there oven. It's the most fun.
- This was this morning! We forced Beck into bed with us before breakfast to snuggle, and she was pretty reluctant but went with it for a few minutes. She then proceeded to eat a mountain of oatmeal, a whole banana, half a piece of toast, some cucumber, some apple, and 8 cherry tomatoes for breakfast. Her party is tomorrow and then I'll spend the next year thinking about LAST year, and will likely continue that pattern for the rest of her life, and she'll hate and I'll love it. Have a wonderful weekend!
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