Guys. This weekend. I'm all at once sad it's over, elated it happened, and a little worn out.
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Ok, maybe a lot worn out. College parties are tough on 30 year olds with babies. Beck didn't get the memo that I'd need to sleep longer stretches than usual this weekend.
So, this weekend Jay, Beck and I went to Burlington, NC to go to the spring concert of my collegiate a cappella group, Sweet Signatures. Now, for those of you who are office fans, you'll know that collegiate a cappella can sometimes form lifelong bonds, strong sentimental feelings, and great memories. CHECK to all 3 of those. Anyone who reads this blog also knows that I also stayed in a cappella as an employee for the company that runs a huge aca-tournament, the same company that the Pitch Perfect movies were based on. So. Suffice it to say that Sweet Signatures was the start of an enormous part of my life, truly the most consistent positive presence in my life for 12 years, which is a big chunk for the young 30 year old that I am. Ha.
It's the consistency that is magic, and I'm fully aware of how boring that sounds. The alum that came (20 people!) rented a big house near campus, and on Friday afternoon we all kind of staggered in after work or car rides or whatever. One of the girls that I graduated with (Kim!), came in and said "you all look the same! and this feels normal!" And she was so right, it was SO normal and wonderful and just right to all be together. The friends I made singing at Elon are some of the closest in my life, and every time we get together I'm reminded of how important strong female bonds are. I have some great women friends in Greenville, but it's really hard to beat my Sig friends. We have a connection that defies words, and it's one that I treasure immensely, even on years when we don't get to see each other.
Throughout the weekend we shared old stories, laughed at how awful we were as people on occasion (college kids are seriously the worst sometimes), and celebrated who we are becoming. Babies, husbands, wives, careers, old relationships let go, new relationships forming, it's all wonderful and special and made even moreso by the fact that we can share it with each other no matter how much time has passed. We also did yoga together, ate tacos with the current group of singers, had brunch and mimosas, and rehearsed for songs from years past (passed?) that we shared at the concert, to much giggling and excitement.
Being back in the venue where we sang so much was especially sentimental, we spent hours in that hall working out sets, details, selling tickets, and performing for our friends and loved ones. Nothing in that particular space had changed, even though much of the campus has, and I was secretly happy that the show was still taking place in the same building we were used to.
For me, personally, this was a really necessary weekend. We've traveled with Beck, but only one time for fun (the rest for work), and being away with her to really enjoy ourselves with people that mean so much to me was a postpartum hug that I really needed. Jay kept Beck at the house during the afterparty, and I realized that this was the first time I'd been out alone without her in her whole life. I'd be lying if I said I was totally fine with it.
Jay, for his part, earned his stripes as an honorary Sig this weekend. He and Beck stayed in the house with all the girls so that I could play but also nurse, and he helped me prepare meals, hung out with Beck, and was generally Husband of the Year so that I could enjoy the weekend to the fullest. It was absolutely incredible to have him there to support me and us, and Beck managed to be perfectly chill and wonderful even through scream-talking, as my friend Kate calls it, dance parties, and general Baby Hot Potato, our favorite game. They were absolute champions.
So now it's onto year 16! I guess we have to wait for 20 years to really do it big again, but reunions like this always serve to remind us to keep in touch, make plans, and actually follow through. So that's exactly what we are going to do.
PS if you care, you can check out #15yearsofsigs on any social media ever, or see my insta for more pics from the weekend. It was just so, so special.
I helped to organize my college group's 15 year from the alumni side, complete with songs sung at the concert, too... I think we had about the same amount come for the weekend, about 20. Will have to do it again next spring, as it's our 20 year!