Let's have Japanese food tonight, ok?
Do you want to?
I want to.
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It's easy, I promise! Today starts 10 full weeks of summer school insanity so....get ready for ALL THE EASY RECIPES to come spewing out of me. Seriously - there's no other way to get through this together.
So, today. Easy-peasy-Japanesy, even though I hate that expression and this is kind of Asian fusion food....ok? Make sense?
I knew you'd understand.
We're having greens with tofu, rice, and dumplings. The great thing about this is that there are some seriously delish frozen dumplings on the market, so if you keep them in your freezer you can just....make them. And eat them. And be glad for frozen food.
So, you start the rice first. I like plain white sushi rice, BUT OH OH OH! You could also make this scallion rice that is SO easy or some fried rice. Either would be delicious!
While the rice is cooking, start the greens. Click here for that recipe - remember we made this together last week? If you don't have or can't find or don't feel like using fried tofu just leave it out. You'll live, and the meal will still be delish.
While the rice is finishing and the greens are braising, prepare the dumplings of your choice according to the package directions.
Now, we have the rice of your choice, greens, and dumplings. This is a vegetarian meal if you get the veggie dumplings, and by grilling or steaming them you're getting a really low fat, balanced meal. Ponzu as a dipping sauce for the dumplings is by far my favorite, but sriracha or plain old soy sauce are delicious too.
We eat meals like this all the time, and I LOVE them. I hope you do too.
Happy summer school, if you're about to start the same misery as me. At least studying insanity is exciting!
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