Happy MLK Day!
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I hope you're not working tooooo hard, and I especially hope that you have at least a few moments to reflect on the wonderful man that we're honoring today.
This morning in the yoga class I attended (not taught, which is THE BEST EVER), we were reminded not just of Dr. King's work to end racial inequality, but the part of his character that made him so willing to give most of his life to the world, not just to bettering himself.
It's a pretty good life purpose, dedicating yourself to the betterment of the world.
Now, it's standard today to remind ourselves that we still don't live in an equal world, no matter what the GOP tweeters think, by a long shot. That's true.
Equally important, though, is perhaps reminding ourselves to look at the example Dr. King showed on being truly selfless - sacrificing, time, safety, family, and even his life for the betterment of humanity.
We might not all end up like Dr. King, Ghandi, or Mother Teresa. That would be super duper sweet, but not everyone has that kind of intestinal fortitude - giving yourself for the betterment of humanity totally blows sometimes, I'd imagine.
We can, though, take a moment at the beginning of each day to determine ONE thing to do for humanity. It can be smiling at a stranger, being consciously aware of things we do that hurt others (gossip, negativity), or simply taking time to engage in a conversation with someone that we might generally cast off as being irritating or useless.
That's where we stumble, or at least where I do. We know we might not end up being Ghandi (Ghandess?), so we DO NOTHING. We could still do something, but we throw up our hands and keep on living for ourselves rather than for the world.
There is a chance that small things could add up to big things, doncha think? I do. It's just as admirable to take small measures as it is to sacrifice the whole self for the betterment of the world. Pick one thing, and go for it. I highly doubt that offering something back today will leave you feeling dejected and disappointed.
My favorite professor in grad school says this at the end of every single class, and it gets me every time, so I'll leave you with this, simple as it is:
Get out of here, and go hug someone.
So well said and a great thought for all of us to ponder. I enjoy your blog every day. Thanks for taking time to share.