I like to share things with you every day about how I think you should cook, what I think you should eat, and where I think you should take your business should you not cook at home.
I have neglected to do that for the past 3 days.
I'm sorry. So is Jay. We were busy doing this.
Nice, huh?
We moved from a one bedroom apartment to a 3 bedroom house, and it is already full.
I'm good at physics. But I've had extreme difficulty explaining HOW THE HECK we fit into the apartment, ever.
The dogs have enjoyed chillin' on the deck and peeing on trees that are theirs.
Jay wants to pee on trees too, but I said no.
In fun moving news, half of the closet fixtures in our closet crashed off the wall last night.
Also, we need a fence. Anyone know anything about building fences on the cheap? We want to keep the dogs in and anyone else out, but not in a mean-neighbor kind of way.
Fences are expensive. WHY? I don't know.
If you help us out with this one we'll keep telling you how to live your life. Because, like, we've totally got it all figured out.
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