There's news! The republicans in Texas are fixing some more gay people. Read:
I could rant, I could rave, but some days you just don't have the energy for that, you know?
Instead, here are some things that I know are true. They are not opinions. I KNOW.
- The American Psychological Association (APA) as well as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) do not endorse any kind of therapy attempting to change a person's sexual orientation.
- Sexual orientation is innate within us, something we are born with, and not a lifestyle choice.
- If it WAS a lifestyle choice, it would not be icky or gross. It would simply be. But it's not.
- If you think that gay sex is gross, envision two straight humans having sex. Loudly. Sloppily. NOISILY. Envision it for 10 more minutes, and maybe add moles or open sores all over their bodies in your mind. Maybe bodies are just gross. Maybe sex is just sticky and awkward and funny and great and weird no matter WHO'S having it.
- Jesus does not hate gay people. Or you, even if you're a hater of gay people or any kind of other people. (maybe an opinion because I haven't met the guy, but I still think this is probably totally definitely maybe a fact)
- Reparative therapy is strongly linked to long term psychological harm and even PTSD in some patients.
- You are not a stronger Christian for trying to force an entire subset of the population into a box that makes you comfortable based on your lack of world knowledge and acceptance of things that are unfamiliar to you.
This is a soapbox I'm HAPPY to preach on, much to the embarrassment of my husband. I think that those of us who by pure luck aren't in a persecuted group (and no, straight white christian males, no one's persecuting you, sorry) are bound to speak out for ridiculous injustices that are still taking place in our supposed modern world.
Want to Read Later?
So, there.
And go fuck yourself, GOP. Preferably in a super gay way.
Love is Love.
~smiles sweetly~
Jay Hastings