It's snowing here! Very lightly, but we woke up to schools closed and this very lovely dusting all over everything.
The dogs were ecstatic.
I've said over and over again that I love snow more than most adults should - the whole maybe-missing-work is great and all, but it's just so peaceful. The silence that happens when people are forced to or choose to stay inside? The slowing down of everything that naturally occurs? It's breathtaking. Like everyone takes a big exhale all at once because for once we CAN'T be as rushed or as scheduled as we force ourselves to be, even if we wanted to.
I had a yoga teacher that once said snow is Mother Nature's way of forcing us to wipe our slates clean and slow down. It always stuck with me, and when snow happens right when you need that forced slowing down the most it's really just the BEST.
Now, I know that those of you in crazy snowy areas feel differently, and I completely get that. We're coming from a place of very rarely seeing snow, so bear with me. Or go read something else. Still, though, no matter what your snow experience has been in this lifetime, what if we really just let the snow cover everything with this lightness, this newness, and ran with it instead of being annoyed or frustrated? I think that's why I love snow the most - it's a physical embodiment of the idea of starting fresh, which we could do every day if we set our minds to it. Maybe that should be our March resolution.
There are lots of wonderful poems and quotes relating to snow, and I've picked a few of my favorite ones for you here:
When snow falls, nature listens. ~Antoinette van Kleeff
Snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood. ~Andy Goldworthy
Kindness is like snow. It beautifies everything it covers. ~unknown
Snow - one of the rare times the phrase '8-12 inches' is associated with something white. ~couldnthelpmyself
Snowflakes falling soundlessly in the middle of the night will fill my heart with sweet clarity. ~Novala Takemoto
The snow itself is lonely or, if you prefer, self-sufficient. There is no other time when the whole world seems composed of one thing and one thing only. ~Joseph Wood Krutch
Now, if you're lucky enough to have some extra time today, go do whatever it is that makes you feel new and whole and lighter than yesterday. It doesn't matter one bit what that is.
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