GOOD MORNING and yes you are in the right place.
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It happened! This blog has a new name, which means we can talk about it today and then never again, because I never ever hang on to things forever and replay them in my mind over and over again.
I almost typed ^^ "I did it," or "we did it," but who is We besides some hired pros, some who totally tried to screw me, some who saved me, one who rescued me from what I can only assume is Trump's personal Russian hackers, but I digress.
The name is changed, mainly.
Here's why: When Jay and I started FunnyLoveBlog NINE YEARS AGO, we had barely even decided to stay together long term. We thought it would be amusing to write about our relationship in real time, and then did that about 3 times and I started writing recipes.
Some bad recipes.
Some good recipes!
Some recipes that have brought in 90% of traffic to this website over the years.
Some stories about our life! Since this blog was started we have bought two houses, had two kids, done the marriage, had all the travel, eaten all the food, said goodbye to dogs, hello to puppies and loved ones, started and stopped jobs, graduated from lots of things, and generally grown up as individuals and as a family.
And sometimes when we grow up we realize that FunnyLove is a really cute name for a person dating a former comedian, but then that person ends up identifying as ... more than that. You know? This website is more than that, mainly because writing about bickering with someone while trying to actively bicker less can only take you so far in life.
Honestly I hated FunnyLoveBlog for awhile, mainly because it didn't feel like me or us for quite some time; more like something we sucked out of the ether and hoped would eventually feel right.
The process to this new name was long and boring, but do know that we had LOTS of alliterative options (Lindsay Lessons! Counseling Cooking!), some punny names (The Coping Skillet, Brain Batter), and a gazillion others in between. There were so, so many people that didn't tell me to gtfout-of-my-texts-right-now with my random "but should we call it The Card Table" thoughts, so that was nice of them.
Ultimately, this is what it is: I am a therapist and I cook. The name works for the obvious "well right that is what you are" but also because, the more people I work with, the more I want for all humans allow themselves to be defined by More Than One Thing. We can get really hung up on being only our job, only a parent, only a spouse. The truth is, we wear different hats, juggle many balls, and sometimes that can feel hard to define.
So in general, here, we talk about food. And babies! And sometimes therapy - I'd like to do more of that but am working on how to make it useful and interesting to you. If you have any opinions about that I'd really love hearing them!
Everything else will stay the same. Five for Friday will continue, just like you asked. Recipes will continue; I just photographed a Quarantine Thanksgiving with all recipes that are 10 ingredients or less, NO TURKEY, and small batch side dishes because we do not, unfortunately, need to cook for 20 this year (at least per the CDC where I live).
Over the lifetime of this website, 1.1 million humans have visited. That's small in website terms, but I don't take for granted that it's also not...four people, you know? I love being here, I love that you love being here, and if you read this far I'm grateful for that!
Also. I don't think it would be that interesting to really delve into the nitty gritty of this process, but I found a female-run web developer who disregarded the ONE thing I asked for, built something I didn't want (think asking to see a Kia and the person being like "Just try the Lexus to see what you think"), told me after it was built that it would be FOUR TIMES my budget, and then was baffled that I kindly abandoned the project and her company.
And then, yes, the entire site was hacked, and I thought it was all lost, and those are the highlights!
The end.
Cathy Tibbles
Congratulations on the name change! And the new direction. It looks great!
Jeanette M Massena
i found a recipe for chicken brocoli and gruyere cheese i was gona make a month ago but when i tried to find it i found you instead... who knows... maybe it was you in the first place. i love the fact that a therapist has a cooking site. i've been in therapy a thousand years and in and out of hospitals loosing count---- at, at least 52 , plus now crisis center with a wonerful ACT team that saved my life !!!!! (i've been with them about ten years now) Anyway i didnt find YOU til i went to my computer to PRINT OUT the recipe and i was totally intrigued. i've never done a blog before but am excited to punch in ALL you little boxes on the page because one of my goals for this quarters goal sheet for my team is to do meal planning and try new recipes.... what better way to do that than with a therapist lol knowing where i've been.... BOTH my sisters would get a real kick out of it!!!!!!!!
thanjks for creating this site and i look forard to learning more if i can figure out how to "send"
Jeanette, thank you! I do have a light broccoli casserole on this site that is super popular - if you search those terms you should be able to find it. Thank you so much for your note!