Happy Friday!
I showed you the other day that funny list of supposedly grown up things, remember?
One of them was about not working hard at work. That up there is just a picture of me and Jay two years ago being skinny.
Maybe....today is one of those days? Maybe...you're dying for some fun new stuff to read?
Here ya go:
Want to Read Later?
- This blog. I read it from the first post all the way to present in one afternoon (hayyyyyy unemployment?), and can't. stop.
- This. #9 is basically maybe kind of my life.
- The Buzzfeed runs my life. I couldn't even pick one today!
- This girl's story. Haunting, but something interesting to think about - many of our peers live in situations we don't suspect or understand - being aware of that fact makes us all a bit more human.
- I LOVE this writer. She's done a few of these celeb-diet tries before, and they're always so hilarious.
What are you doing this weekend? I have friends coming in from out of town (like, Oregon out of town), because, in a fit of genius, I decided to entertain the week before my wedding.
Ya know what? It kind of is sheer genius. It gives me a chance to not think about the wedding, return to a slightly perspectiv-ed life, see amazing friends, and calm the eff down for three days.
Wedding madness will return on Monday. And food. Lots of food.
Have a great one!
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