Want to Read Later?
- Beck Elizabeth Hastings
- 12/9/2015 (6 days before due date, the exact original due date I thought, due date was moved due to small size on first ultrasound. girl was born 40 weeks to the day after first day of last period, which is how due dates are measured. she's exact, small size be damned)
- 18 inches, 6 pounds 10 ounces.
- 6.5 hour labor from water breaking to baby, a few hours of prelabor before that that I thought were regular braxton hicks contractions. Labor was fast and hard and I don't know if I'd have made it in time for pain meds even if I'd wanted to.
- On parenting: Jay and I were slightly opposite in our falling-in-love approach. He saw her whoosh out and was SMITTEN. And still is. I've never seen him so devoted, selfless, and happy. He changed the first diaper, stays up with her when I can't nurse or keep my eyes open anymore, cleans the house when I'm with her, entertains the family members and fetches drinks, snacks, water, handles the dogs, all of the things. I'm of course completely in love with her, but my obsession is growing - it wasn't instant. I always of course loved her and thought she was great, but there's business to attend to for the birthing party: I'd been up all night, needed stitches, needed to not hemorrhage and die (I didn't), needed to fill out forms (she came so fast that about 3 hours after she was born I was asked to sign a consent to deliver, which I found quite funny), needed to start learning to breastfeed (omg ow send help), etc. So I did that first because it's just what happened, you know? And now that we're home and the first few days of tasks are over, I'm sinking into being a mom SO HARD. It's the greatest.
See also: there are stitches super close to my butt and I'm afraid to poop.
The end.
so happy for you (and her)
Kaitlin Lyons
This makes me so happy! Congrats to your sweet family!
Kaitlin Lyons
Oh, and breastfeeding help- make sure she doesn't have a lip or tongue tie. The initial latching pain never went away with my oldest and tongue tie was the culprit. Quick laser procedure in-office worked major magic. Good luck!!