Want to Read Later?
- ^^ Adventures in "let's get out of the house:" Two adults trying to talk, kids whining about the heat and needing a snack (15 minutes before dinner), kids literally scaling a 6 foot wall (?!), selfies a work in progress. We Are Fun Parents.
- Similarly, this morning Beck was yelling at Will about something that was Not A Real Problem, and when I told her to please just sit down and eat her breakfast she goes FINE, BUT I AM NOT TALKING TO ANYONE!!! ...like that isn't a massive gift first thing in the morning.
- I read How To Fail At Flirting this week in TWO DAYS, which is unheard of for me for a gazillion reasons. I loved it; it was a great "it's fine to be tired tomorrow because it's so good" stay up late book.
- We have two weeks coming up of family in town and then a family beach week, so the next week or so we are going after a ton of meal prep and planning. I have a lot of things that I'm going to make in large batches - energy bites and spaghetti meat sauce, for one, but I'd love some new ideas for ingredients or entire meals to prep. Do you have any favorites?
- How're your weekend plans coming along? I'm going away again (two weekends in a row omg what year is it) with friends for the weekend to do a culinary tour in Charleston because why the hell not, you know? I'm extra excited because we recently watched High On The Hog on Netflix which was amazing and eye opening and I think a must-watch for anyone who thinks they know anything about food in America. Besides that, it's pool time without anyone screaming MAMA LOOK AT ME DID YOU SEE?! which is very cute but also neat when it is quiet for more binge-reading. Have a great one!
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