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- It has been such a wild, humbling, growth-filled year. There's been a ton of "this time last year" items in the news recently, and I think its important to look back and see how far we've come + how WAY further we need to go. ONE meaningful things from last June, though, was this Mediterranean Hummus Board complete with Hummus Meat, probably SERIOUSLY one of the most delicious things I've ever made.
- Speaking of moving on, though, we're going to NYC in July! We haven't been in over two years, and the last time that happened I really think was before 2005. I can't WAIT, and will of course take any and all restaurant recommendations starting right now.
- Theme of the week seems to be: eliminate dead weight as much as possible to get a super strong quality over quantity effect in EVERYTHING. Personal stuff, business stuff, client problems, all of it. Strange how things come in waves like that, but if anything I think it might be one of the lessons the pandemic has best taught us, being judicious with how we spend our time and who with.
- I've started telling Will he has to keep his diaper on outside so he doesn't hurt himself because he's clumsy and we have a lot of rocks in our landscaping. So now I hear him muttering to himself "and don't take you diapahh off, don't want to hewt your penissss," so that's thrilling.
- How's your weekend planning coming along? We have gotten into the OPEN UP NOW phase of busy-ness, and honestly it's a little overwhelming having a somewhat regular slew of options for things to do. I know that's not for everyone, and I'm trying to find some sort of balance between doing nothing and saying yes to everything. It's going medium. If you're local, though, we're going to see the dinosaurs tomorrow and the kids are SO excited. Have a great one!
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