Want to Read Later?
- Five years ago this little squish had never sat up on her own or eaten solid food or brushed her hair, and next week she's finishing preschool and "a little nervous about kindergarten but mostly really excited." I'm fine. This is fine.
- Will has started saying "I don't love that, it's not too tasty" in his tiny kid accent if he doesn't like a food, and it simultaneously cracks me up and makes me want to say to him "I can't express how much I do not care." Like, how did he learn that way to express displeasure with something?
- If you're preparing your Memorial Day menu, may I suggest full Southern style with a creamy pasta salad? I've got a ham and cheese macaroni salad and a crab pasta salad recipe that are both really, really good.
- It's going to be 90 degrees this weekend, aka kids begging for us to turn on the sprinkler or hose every single afternoon. Water is their happy place, 100%.
- Happy weekend! I'm having some seriously needed BFF time and am starting to build a new website which sounds horrible but honestly I love it and spending time in the ass-end of a website instead of the real world is somewhat meditative to me. I realize that sounds very strange, but gotta be me. Have a great one!
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