Want to Read Later?
- We are nearing the end of Maternal Mental Health Week, so let me remind you (since this is literally what I do for a living): Postpartum anxiety and depression are the most common complication of pregnancy. It's not a failure, it's not anyone's fault, it's totally treatable, it has nothing to do with how much you love your child. Here's one of my favorite free online resources for you to share with anyone that needs it.
- Bad month to be Matt Gaetz, huh? The attack on white men just keeps on keepin' on....(sorry not sorry just OMG SERIOUSLY STOP WITH THE KID SEX YOU ARE GROSS).
- My mom and I were talking with Beck about snails last week (it's fine), and my mom was like...."what was that snail actress from awhile ago?" and after some thought figured out that it was MARCEL THE SHELL WITH SHOES ON and I had totally forgotten about that very joyous part of the internet. Revisit it, if you need a quaint back-in-the-day internet video smile.
- Last weekend I put out some crackers and bread and cheese for an impromptu hangout, including some blue cheese that I'd forgotten about. And I thought "I will make a blue cheese sauce for salmon later this weekend, yes I will." And then we went outside and George Carlin ate all the blue cheese and half a loaf of bread and I still haven't stopped wanting salmon with blue cheese sauce.
- Happy Weekend! We are taking our kids to a cabin near a lake, which they are referring to as the mountains, and I went full "it's fun let's buy carbs" in Target the other day with double stuffed Oreos, Pirate's Booty, all the things. It might be silly and/or miserable, but I'm kind of thrilled about the idea of a weekend alone with just the 4 of us to (hopefully) hang out together, not think about work or life, and eat snacks for a few days. Have a great one!
I did not know you had a dog named GEORGE CARLIN! How? My friend Vance was his opening act for several years before died even though he's a singer songwriter. That's how badass Vance is. If you can ever see him live, run, don't walk. https://vancegilbert.com/
Haha yep, an ode to husband's former career. It's fitting given that he's a very Labrador labrador.