Want to Read Later?
- Two years ago! This little chubalub picked out her pumpkin, and I was a few days away from having her baby brother. He's now almost the same size that she was here, and wowowowow time flies. Here's Will's birth story if you want to backtrack the oversharing!
- We had our favorite peanut sauce last night for dinner, and have had it almost every Thursday for a really long time. It's my longest day of the week, usually 12 hours or so, and somehow tofu with peanut sauce has become a comfort food, which TRUST ME I realize how ridiculous that reads. I think it's our easiest thing that we make that we both really love, and that in and of itself is comforting. But still, how dumb.
- MANY clients have agreed with my assessment that this year had been a series of events that feel like someone's about to kick you, but you won't know when, and you won't know how hard. That is making us really, really anxious. We've only been kicked medium, but the constant feeling of "almost" is just KILLER. Get outside more, is the answer to that.
- Showing Up Even When You're Not Feeling It. This is a new-to-me website and wowowwo very inspiring give me all the tips.
- Happy Halloween! We can still be happy about this, right? I'm going to vote with Beck today, which should be exciting for about 5 minutes until it turns into 5 hours, but that's just how childcare is shaking out, and I want her to be involved in the process. Then tomorrow we have cooking and dressing up and candy, and it'll be very low key BUT THEN Will's birthday is on Monday and honestly focusing on fun stuff and the kids is really what I need right now. Have a great one! Wear a mask!
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