Want to Read Later?
- HAPPY FRIDAY from the land of spiking coronavirus cases and people arguing for their personal liberty to not wear a mask, and I'm over here wondering when the "Christian" leadership will be all, "actually, you do not have the right to kill other people or infect them with a lower respiratory virus here's a mask Jesus saves." I have so far been disappointed.
- Beck, not one to be outdone by my anger re: people wearing masks, has started to reeeallly test the boundaries of what she can yell when she is frustrated and tantrumming. Highlights from this week have been "THIS HOUSE IS THE WORST PLACE," "YOU ARE JUST TERRIBLE!" "CAN YOU HELP ME WITH THIS GODDAMN TV?" and, my personal favorite, "DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND WOMEN?!?!"
- For Juneteenth I'm ordering some more kid's books on anti-racism, injustice, and diversity in general. What favorites do you have so far? We have read Race Cars at least every other day since we got it, unclear on how well the nuances of the story are resonating. What is important to me now, though, is starting to normalize these conversations and books and shows in our house, and going from there as our kids get older and better able to understand.
- Definitely want to make Roasted Tomato Risotto juuuuuust in time for our tomatoes to get ripe.
- Happy Weekend! We are doing a bunch of house stuff and hopefully having some Father's Day downtime. That patio up there is getting a little more done each week (still needs a lot of plants), and my kid-herding plans are like "go outside, lemee grab a can of wine." Have a great one! Jesus saves!
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