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Ok, what is our general feeling about the end of the year? I'm a little bit....whatjusthappened, and the internet tells me that I'm not alone in this.
Is it the speed? Things changing fast? Bad news in politics? Angry Elves all over Twitter? I don't know if we need a serious shift in positivity, or realism feels a little dim right now, but I'm feeling like a shift toward "look at all the great things coming our way!" will feel really good in 2020.
For us, the beauty of this year was Will moving from baby to toddler, and the shadow was how long it took us to sell our house, how long it took to find this house (and, while we're happy to be here, we made FOUR other offers before this one and really liked those houses), and the stress the entire process caused through no fault of anyone in particular.
We managed to not start or stop any jobs this year, that was new.
We ⅞ potty trained Beck, and YES need to get on naps and nights right away the child is 4. Tell me how.
Other than that!
- January: Got used two having two kids, easy enough! Highlight for me was having two fun subjects to take pictures of, something that carried us through the year.
- February: Made the plan to list the house, interviewed realtors, hated them all, went with a friend. GREAT decision, despite what "they" say. Prepared the house for showings by our asshole dog eating literally everything.
- March: Ate kale salad on a work trip, which turned into Our Favorite Kale Salad, which we have eaten at least weekly all year. Felt shocked that the house didn't sell in the first three weeks on the market.
- April: Took a 5 month old to NYC, nursed everywhere, visited Chelsea Market for the first time.
- May: A theme all year has been OK NOW WE REALLY GOTTA MEAL PREP, and we've gotten some pretty good routines down. These superfood meatballs are EXCELLENT made in advance and kept in the freezer!
- June: Felt really in the thick of nursing with not as much output as I needed, despite really really liking the Spectra this time around. Wrote about nursing and pumping. Felt shocked that the house didn't sell in the first four months on the market.
- July: Added Baked Tofu to our meal prep rotation. Pinterest loved it - it was one of my most-pinned recipes all year, which is very important for my self esteem.
- August: School started back with great fanfare (Beck loves school), I made these Spicy Sambal Noodles which did medium in terms of popularity but were in my personal top 5 new recipes that I churned out this year. Can't recommend them enough.
- September: Got an offer on our house. They bailed after realizing that the property line was not in fact where it was supposed to be. Learned how to move a property line in 9,767 easy steps. Made tons of fish or chicken with pesto to freeze.
- October: Two days before taking the house off the market, we got an offer. A real one. From people that wanted to buy the house. Started to talk a little more honestly on Instagram and this website about the experience of mothering.
- November: Will turned 1. We sold our house. I cried.
- December: Beck turned 4. We moved. I cried.
...and we traveled, and made all the food, and threw out our backs, and made some goals for 2020 that frankly I don't want to mess with until about March.
Who's ready for a nap? After being extra cool and staying up until at least 10 tonight, obviously. I might even wash my hair.
My end of year aesthetic is this: We moved 10 days ago and the fridge has been about 10 degrees warm ever since. We finally called to get it fixed and it's happening today, cold non-gross food to ring in the new year. Fixing things after sitting with them for awhile until they get really murky is my best, take it or leave it.
Happy 2020 to us!
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